Hello, everyone!

How are you feeling after the new moon in Pisces? Do you feel the energy shift lately? Have you made a decision to do something new or let go of part of your old self? If so, you are on the right energy flow! Super! Changes are not easy for humans, and the Universe has been gently nudging us to transform ourselves from the Age of Earth to the Age of Aquarius for the last ten years. From today, March 5th, until Spring Equinox, March 20th, this is the time for us to realize what we can bring to the new earth and what needs to go. So, you may experience “loss” of some sort for the next couple of weeks, and please remember this means clearing and releasing, and it is happening for your highest good.

As moving towards the Spring Equinox, we, humanity, are becoming “creators” from consumers (I really do not like this word because it is not our nature. It is so far away from our Soul Mission on this earth.) Yes, we are the CREATORS and part of the Universe! We are part of the plans, and this is the time for us to realize who we truly are! Please be excited about what you want to create! This can be in a written form, music, painting, dancing and any kind of expression of yourself! I wonder what you want to create?! 

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Peace, Love and Harmony,
