Our Story

Embrace Our Space, Where Healing Takes Its Place!

Welcome To The World Of Healing!

It’s time for you to explore our domain, where healing is our main aim.

I am Yoshie Matsuura, an NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and Reiki Master Teacher. I help survivors of sexual abuse and violence overcome depression and anxiety so they can feel happy, confident, and successful again!

I choose an approach that is compassionate, heart-centered, peaceful, and therapeutic, and that turns your suffering into a newfound sense of purpose and joy in life. 

My Holistic Trauma Clearing Method combines Neuro-Linguistic Programing and Hypnosis with my holistic energy healing approach to construct a unique and effective healing experience. 

By rewiring your negative thinking patterns and habits using NLP techniques, I will clear unresolved trauma, clearing the root cause of depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

I employ the Holistic Trauma Clearing Method to help those individuals who want to get over despair, PTSD, and anxiety brought on by trauma and violence. It has been demonstrated that my comprehensive approach helps individuals feel confident and joyful again. The energy it had previously lost is now recovered.

In my healing program, “Trauma To Happiness Healing Program,” you will find out how to clear traumas and  negative emotions associated with the unpleasant events which are stored in your unconscious mind so you can overcome the consequences of trauma.

With my guidance, you will actively participate in exercises that integrate your mind and body for healing, constructing a fertile foundation for inner growth and expansion.

Discover the hidden reserves within yourself that hold profound insights into past trauma, unlocking the power to heal and attain personal liberation.

Imagine if you had access to a comprehensive set of healing tools that enabled you to clear all the painful memories, uncomfortable, or overwhelming experiences. What if these tools empowered you to release even the slightest trace of unresolved trauma before it could spread into every area of your life, eradicating the root causes of depression, anxiety, and PTSD?

I am an intuitive energy healer who firmly believes that you possess far more strength and resilience than you realize and are capable of overcoming any trauma you may have experienced. 

With my life-changing program,  “Trauma to Happiness Healing Program,” I will guide you through a step-by-step, integrated process of  clearing past trauma.

With my support, you can remove the barriers that impede your growth and live your life to the fullest.

With my guidance, you can 

  • Elevate your quality of life with an impactful and life-changing course that will provide you with the tools you need to overcome trauma.
  • Gain a deep understanding of trauma: what it is, how it is formed, what sustains it, and how to clear it. 
  • Build rapport with your unconscious mind.
  • Discover how to integrate all aspects of your being to overcome the consequences of trauma.
  • Learn easy and fast techniques to release stress and daily negative emotions, body pains and cravings, creating a fertile foundation for inner growth and expansion.
  • Through the clearing of your trauma, you can have a deeper understanding of  emotions and memories stored in your unconscious mind.
  • Understand how collective trauma can impact your peace and well-being.
  • Learn your unique gifts and purpose so you can share them with the world. 
  • Transform your life by understanding and healing your trauma with Trauma To Happiness Healing Program.

After knowing my journey, please allow me to introduce myself as your trusted intuitive energy healer. I am a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Reiki Master, a Hypnotherapist, and a Reiki Master Teacher.

As a survivor of childhood abuse and emotional trauma, I understand the struggle of depression and anxiety caused by trauma, which is why I created a program to help others overcome these challenges. 

I have personally experienced the transformative power of spiritual and emotional healing modalities, and I want to share that with others. 

My Holistic Trauma Clearing Method is a unique combination of NLP and hypnosis, designed to clear negative emotions, traumatic memories, and limiting beliefs from the unconscious mind. Through just a few sessions, I will address the root cause of current issues and interrupt old thinking patterns or programming.

NLP helps to rewrite old patterns and programming in the unconscious mind, clearing unpleasant memories and negative emotions. Then, hypnosis is used to install positive suggestions for a new beginning in your clear unconscious mind. This method is highly effective, and I know firsthand what works and what does not.

I specialize in helping survivors of sexual abuse and violence overcome depression and anxiety, enabling them to feel happy, confident, and successful once again. 

Trust me to guide you through your healing journey and experience the transformative power of my Holistic Trauma Clearing Method!

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